Etcetera writes:
Some of the ideas we have been working for this first stage of the project.
First of all, we took some inspirations form the experiences of a piece we organized in 2013 in Bologna, for the International Award for Participatory Art. “Assemble Infitina” (infinite assembly) was collective and participatory performance, a mise en scene of an assembly held in the public space and based on the premise: “The Assembly has become the representation of an Assembly… So, if we make the representation of an Assembly, could it become a truly Assembly?”
video here: https://crisiproject.wordpress.com/assemblea-infinita/english/ (minute 8:00 megaphones)
Of course, as this is first part of the project and we don’t have much time, we are looking for something simpler and effective.
We would like to make a performance, together with a series of public interventions with graphic material (posters).The "remains" of the performance (records, posters and objects) can be displayed –presented later at Villa Flores.
We would like to play the performance with Clayton Nascimento, brazilian actor we have invited to work with us in occasion the Sao Paulo Biennial 2014, he was part of education team of the Biennial and he performed the "voice of God" (here the audio file https://errardedios.org/)
The proposal is to make a series of popular street posters (in Brazil called "lambe-lambe") with texts about the topics of the project (utopia, new modes of social representation, crisis and democracy, the World Social Forum as a model participation, etc.).
The posters will be pasted into the streets, installed in public spaces and the space of Villa Flores.
For the performance the actor will use megaphone/s to engage people’s participation (those that allow to speaks and record voices and make them repeat). The graphics and megaphones will be used also as “objects” in the installation.